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I first met Stephen in the late 90’s when we worked together for a large multinational company in the management services industry.  I reported directly to him during that time, and I can say, without hesitation, that I learned more from him about coaching as a management tool than I ever had before or have since.  Stephen has a tremendous ability to listen and coach a person or team towards the successful achievement of their goals and objectives.  I have worked to emulate his style consistently over my career and have achieved significant personal and professional success because of it.

In 2015, I believed my team needed additional support in strengthening our customer focus and reached out to Stephen to provide us with a customized coaching and training solution for the Healthcare industry.  Subsequently, I retained him to provide for several group sessions, and once again he demonstrated his coaching abilities and significant knowledge of the healthcare industry.  His expertise and guidance during those sessions were of tremendous value to my team in understanding their accountability towards functioning at a higher ‘customer/patient’ level.

In fact, I continue to rely on his feedback to this day and would not hesitate to recommend Coach Simms.