Business Coaching is not Mentoring or Teaching!
Business Coaching is based on the Coach having a deep belief in your ability to grow and through a coaching relationship helping you realize your goals, personal growth and achievement of the business success you are seeking.
The question is not ‘is there a return on investment from business coaching?’; but rather ‘how big will the ROI be?’. Recognizing that you will unquestionably grow and expand your capabilities as a leader/manager to the benefit of yourself, your team, your business and your family is the first step in transformational change.
What is Business Coaching?
Who Benefits from Coaching?
The Benefits of Business Coaching
Professional coaching maximizes potential and, therefore, unlocks latent sources of productivity.
Building the self-confidence of employees to face challenges is critical in meeting organizational demands.
Virtually all companies and individuals who hire a coach are satisfied.
Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study was commissioned by the ICF but conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers. (Accessed: 09 March 2014) and 1700-6 ©2004 Right Management Consultants, World Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA.
How I see coaching working effectively
So... Why Hire a Coach?
That answer is personal to everyone, but essentially what my clients have told me is they hired me because they recognized they wanted to invest in themselves, get an accountability partner, obtain experienced objectivity to help eliminate their blind spots, improve their own effectiveness and success and essentially allow for growth, awareness, clarity and personal enjoyment from their business/career…and from their life.
How Do I Get Started?
If you wish to explore working with me as your business or executive coach, simply reach out and we will get to know each other. Creating a personal connection is essential to hiring a coach.